Ekhagen studentbostäder

3. On the property | 3.1 Rules of conduct

Rules of conduct

Responsibility and care of the apartment

The person on the tenancy contract is fully responsible for the apartment. The landlord can terminate the tenancy agreement if the tenant does not look after the apartment or disturbs the neighbours. Below you find the most important rules and information regarding the care of the apartment. The tenant could be financially liable for damages and repairs caused by neglecting or disobeying the information and rules below.

Neighbours must never be disturbed. Avoid noise between 10 pm and 8 am. The tenant is fully responsible for visitors in the apartment.

Smoking is strictly forbidden inside the apartments and inside the common areas (Common house, Post house and Laundry house). It is also forbidden to keep the cigarette butts indoor or to throw cigarette butts on the ground or on the lawn. Please keep the cigarette butts on an ashtray or in a bottle outside the apartments.  

It is forbidden to make holes in the walls, ceiling, or floor. Any tenant who damages an apartment must pay for the damage after moving out. It is the tenants responsibility to report any damages and lack of cleaning in the apartment to NCL@nivika.se, within a week after moving in. If earlier damages are not reported to NCL@nivika.se you can be held responsible.

Tenants should ensure that the waste pipe is not blocked, and no taps are leaking. The floor drain should be cleaned regularly. If you have a blockage in the waste pipe contact NCL@nivika.se immediately.

Oven and stove must be cleaned regularly. Oil and stains can be prominent cause for fire. To minimize the risk for fire in the kitchen, clean the mini-oven and stove regularly.

Only flush toilet paper down the toilet. Newspapers, sanitary pads and other articles will only block the waste pipe, which can be very expensive to unblock.

The temperature in the apartment can be adjusted by the radiator. Do not ever, in any circumstances, turn off the radiator/heat completely during the winter (October-March). When it is minus degrees outside, and you turn off the heat the water pipes can freeze and burst which will lead to sever water damages.  During the winter period, keep the window closed and if you want to ventilate, do it for 5-10 minutes per day.

Always close the window, lock the door and turn off the lights when you leave the apartment. No insurance will cover any damages if the door/window is left open, and the tenant will be held fully responsible for all damages. It is not permitted to change, sublet or transfer an apartment.

It is also important that:

  • The bathroom is dried and aired regularly. Do NOT, in any circumstances, turn off the ventilation fan in the bathroom.
  • Taps are turned off after use.
  • Floor coverings are looked after. Do not use much water on the floor when mopping. The floor can be water damaged, which cost more than the deposit amount to repair.

The apartment is only meant for one resident. Due to fire regulations and the terms and conditions of the lease, having a lodger without permit can lead to eviction.

For hygienic reasons bed linens must be used. You need to use the following:

  • Pillow-cover (örngott)
  • Sheets (lakan)
  • Duvet (påslakan)

These can be bought at IKEA for 150-200 SEK.
If you do not use bed linen, the landlord has the right to charge you for new blanket, pillow and mattress pad.

The fire alarm / smoke alarms

  • Touching or tampering with the fire alarms or any fire safety equipment is a serious offence and will be reported to the police.
  • To avoid false fire alarms please be careful when using the stove and always turn on the kitchen fan when cooking. Otherwise it may set of the smoke detectors.
  • If a fire occurs, call 112. Always leave the building (DO NOT go inside your apartment and lock the door) when there is a fire.


To avoid fire, keep a safe distance to the buildings. Do not throw anything in the garbage while it’s still hot.

Common areas

The common areas can be used by all tenants at Ekhagens Studentbostäder. It is important for everyone's well-being to have consideration and respect for other tenants.  All common areas are open for service 24 hours a day.

Just to clarify: Smoking is strictly forbidden inside all common areas (Common house, Posthouse and Laundry house).

All littering is forbidden. All trash produced by the tenant should be disposed correctly both indoors and outdoors. Failing to do so can result in fees or even immediate cancelation of the contract.


All students receive an individual postbox situated in the posthouse. The postbox has the same number as your apartment. The postbox opens with a chip/tag that you received with your apartment key.

Common house

It's very important to clean up after any gathering or use of the Common house.  Alcohol and parties/celebrations are in general forbidden in the Common house. This rule is for all tenant’s comfort (not all students want to party, some want to study, others watch Tv etc). The landlord will be required to close the Common house if the rules are not followed.

Stairs and passages

As the stairs are important for evacuating the buildings in emergency situations and for medical personnel attending someone who is sick or injured, personal belongings such as chairs and bicycles etc must not be left on the passages or stairs. Bikes will be moved immediately and placed in a storage. If you want the bike returned you will have to contact NCL@nivika.se. Bikes can be parked next to the Laundry house and the Common house.

Kapitel 3. On the property

Avsnitt 3.1 Rules of conduct

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Kapitel: 3. On the property

Avsnitt: 3. 2 Laundry house